This issue, like those in the past and those to come, has as its core a novel, revised in our contemporary reading key: the choice has fallen on Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray.

Beauty, art, immortality, pleasures, the transience of life, art for art’s sake, conscience.

There is only one thing in the world worse than being the object of conversation, and that is not being the object of conversation“, says Wilde at the beginning of the novel. Today, the habit of sharing every moment of our daily lives on social networks has become synonymous with sincerity, truth and public interest. Let us instead reflect on the importance of not being the centre of attention, of playing behind the scenes and living this life to the full, even if it is less shared with the world.

Among the personalities interviewed in the current issue:

the artist and designer of the last Olympic torch Tokujin Yoshioka, the revivalists of the ancient dominoterie technique, founders of the atelier Antoinette Poisson, the author of food books Mimi Thorisson, the refined design studio Campbell-Rey, the queen of the hotellerie Marie Louise Sciò, the magical illustrator Iacopo Bruno and many others, told through the unusual and passionate gaze of our editorial staff.


Each issue of Orlando is guided by an Editorial literary theme, a novel, which is translated into images by the Art direction of Antonella Dellepiane Pescetto Unique Short. Art Movies (Our Tales) are also created by Orlando, inspired by these novels.

You can see the one inspired by Dorian Gray here:

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Each issue of Orlando matches its articles to a special playlist. To get you in a sensorial experience, read all the articles with this tracks on background. This is a real other magazine, developed in music.

