Exterminating Angel!
He was looking up.
What first struck him were the slim columns of the building next door.
They were black with smog and the columns of the Standard Building were clean. The buildings had been constructed in the same architectural style. One had large red windows and the Standard had large green windows. One was dirty and the other was clean.
A person came out of the red door in a mask with the semblance of a fox. Behind her, another woman in a mask bearing the image of a wild boar. Last of all, another person, shorter and slighter of demeanour, was wearing a mask with the appearance of an ermine.
All three of them got into the MZR Roadsports 240z.
The driver wasn’t wearing a mask. He looked at them and exclaimed: “Exterminating Angel!” And they roared away, with tyres screeching.
Unravel the second Orlando Crossword inspired by the unpublished artwork La Langue des Oiseaux by Luigi Serafini.
Orlando Crossword: a sophisticated and cultural entertainment, perfect under the burning sun!
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on January 10th, 2020, n° 02/2020
Orlando Magazine published twice a year, by Tessiore & Co Srl, Via C. Roccatagliata Ceccardi 4/5, 16121 Genova, Italy
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